Tuesday 7 August 2018

Hydrocoin #HYC

HydroCoins are tokens according to ERC20 standard. To buy HYC you have to send Ether (ETH) from your own personally dedicated wallet to the ICO Smart Contract adress.
The ICO Smart Contract Adress will be displayed on the bottom side of this page, once you have entered your own wallet adress for whitelisting. This whitelisting is needed due to jurisdictional regulations and it is at the same time the first step to build a KYC/AML process, which are still under development.
The ICO Smart Contract, programmed intelligently, manages all necessary steps to deliver the right amount of HYC to the right wallet adress. Without any human interference or manually confirmation, automatically it receives the incoming ETH, calculates equivalent amount, mint and send HYC back to the wallet adress, where initially ETH came from.